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Table 2 Role of radiopharmaceuticals in drug delivery

From: Radiopharmaceuticals: navigating the frontier of precision medicine and therapeutic innovation


Radiopharmaceutical role



Cancer therapy

Radiolabelling of nanoparticles for targeted imaging and therapy

- Targeted delivery of chemotherapeutic agents to tumors

- Enhanced permeability and retention effect utilization

- Personalized treatment with controlled drug release

- Combination therapy for synergistic effects


Imaging-guided therapies

Incorporation of radiotracers for real-time monitoring

- Simultaneous imaging and therapy for real-time monitoring

- Image-guided drug release using external triggers

- Theranostic agents for precise diagnosis and treatment


Neurological disorders

Radiopharmaceutical-guided nanoparticle delivery

- Blood–brain barrier crossing for central nervous system drug delivery

- Targeted therapy for neurodegenerative diseases


Inflammatory conditions

Radiolabelled nanoparticles for tracking and therapy

- Targeted delivery of anti-inflammatory agents

- Nanoparticle-based immune modulation


Cardiovascular applications

Radiolabelling to assess nanoparticle distribution

- Drug delivery to diseased blood vessels

- Reduction of systemic side effects


Gene delivery

Radiopharmaceutical labeling for tracking gene delivery

- Nucleic acid delivery for gene therapy

- Targeted gene editing and modulation


Personalized medicine

Radiotracer-guided customization of drug delivery

- Tailored drug delivery based on patient-specific markers

- Customized treatment regimens


Minimizing side effects

Radiolabelling for tracking nanoparticle biodistribution

- Localized drug release to reduce systemic toxicity

- Controlled and sustained drug delivery


Combination therapies

Radiopharmaceutical tracking of combination therapy

- Simultaneous delivery of multiple therapeutic agents

- Synergistic effects for enhanced efficacy


Regenerative medicine

Radiolabelling for monitoring tissue repair

- Controlled delivery of growth factors for tissue repair

- Stem cell therapy augmentation with targeted drugs
