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Table 3 Threshold effect analysis of SII on mortality using the two-piecewise regression model

From: Systemic immune-inflammation index (SII) and the risk of all-cause, cardiovascular, and cardio-cerebrovascular mortality in the general population


All-cause mortality

HR (95%CI) P-value

Cardiovascular mortality

HR (95%CI) P-value

Cardio-cerebrovascular mortality HR (95%CI) P-value

Model I

 One line

1.204 (1.077,1.345)0.0011

1.218 (0.987,1.503) 0.0657

1.163 (0.955, 1.417) 0.1340

Model II

 Inflection value




 < threshold value

0.851 (0.691, 1.047) 0.1274

0.926 (0.640,1.340) 0.6846

0.942 (0.657, 1.349) 0.7426

 ≥ threshold value

1.418 (1.229,1.635) < 0.0001

1.389 (1.066,1.810) 0.0150

1.288 (1.001, 1.658) 0.0494

 P for log-likelihood ratio


 < 0.001



  1. CI Confidence interval, HR Hazard ratio, SII (Platelet count × Neutrophils)/lymphocytes
  2. SII was log2-transformed to fit the Cox regression model
  3. Analysis was adjusted for age, gender, ethnicity, education, marital status, smoker, drinker, DM, hypertension, HF, CHD, stroke, cancer, BMI, hemoglobin, glycohemoglobin, platelets, uric acid, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, cholesterol, glucose, LDL-C, HDL-C, triglyceride, albumin